Why New Zealand Universities Should Establish Product Management Courses for the IT Industry

Why New Zealand Universities Should Establish Product Management Courses for the IT Industry

The Growing Demand for Product Managers in IT
The tech industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally, and New Zealand is no exception. With the rise of startups and tech giants alike, there is a burgeoning need for product managers who can oversee the development of innovative products from conception to launch. Product managers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between technical teams and business stakeholders, ensuring that the final product meets market demands and achieves business objectives.

The Ultimate Educational Path to Creating a Unicorn Startup

The Ultimate Educational Path to Creating a Unicorn Startup

The Path of Education to Create a Unicorn Startup

In the dynamic world of startups, achieving the coveted unicorn status – a company valued at over a billion dollars – is a dream many entrepreneurs strive for. While there are numerous paths to success, education plays a crucial role in equipping aspiring founders with the skills and knowledge needed to turn their visionary ideas into billion-dollar realities. Here’s a detailed look at the educational journey that can pave the way to creating a unicorn startup.

How AI-Driven Premortem Analysis in Zoho Projects Can Reduce Your Project Management Risk

How AI-Driven Premortem Analysis in Zoho Projects Can Reduce Your Project Management Risk

The Role of AI in Premortem Analysis
Lumen Business Solutions brings you a cutting-edge approach to project management with our AI-driven Zoho Projects implementation. Our services are designed to save you time in planning and creating projects, ensuring better outcomes through enhanced problem identification and solution development.

How AI-Driven Zoho Projects Can Transform Your Project Management

How AI-Driven Zoho Projects Can Transform Your Project Management

Blog Enhance Your Project Management with AI-Driven Zoho Projects by Lumen Transform Your Project Management Experience with Lumen Business Solutions Are you looking to revolutionize your project management? Whether you’re a project manager, construction manager, or part of an IT department, Lumen Business Solutions offers a comprehensive solution to implement Zoho Projects with advanced AI … Read more

Lumen Fusion Applies Occam’s Razor to Simplify Zoho CRM Implementation


Blog Introduction In practice, Occam’s razor is a valuable principle for eliminating overly complex theories in favor of simpler, more efficient solutions. However, this heuristic must be applied with an understanding of its constraints. While it favors simplicity, it may sometimes overlook more complex yet accurate explanations. At Lumen Business Solutions, we leverage the power … Read more

Why CRM Fails and How to Avoid It | Lumen Business Solutions NZ

Why CRM Fails and How to Avoid It

Blog Why CRM Fails and How to Avoid It The Importance of CRM Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a vital tool for businesses seeking to grow and retain their customer base. CRM software can help manage sales pipelines, track interactions with prospects and customers, automate marketing campaigns, and generate valuable insights from data. However, CRM … Read more

What Can We Learn from Rian Doris: Applying Purpose and Focus to Achieve Business Success

What Can We Learn from Rian Doris Applying Purpose and Focus to Achieve Business Success

Gain Clarity on Your Long-Term Aspirations
Rian Doris emphasizes the importance of understanding your ultimate goals and purpose. This clarity is crucial in business, where it’s easy to get bogged down in day-to-day tasks and lose sight of our vision. By defining our long-term aspirations, we can:

Align daily activities with overall strategy
Make informed decisions

Zoho Highly Efficient Implementation vs. Lumen Fusion Highly Effective Implementation

Zoho Highly Efficient Zoho Implementation vs. Lumen Fusion Highly Effective Zoho Implementation

Both Zoho and Lumen Business Solutions offer robust CRM implementation strategies, each with its unique strengths. Zoho’s highly efficient approach is methodical and strategic, focusing on building a connected ecosystem and ensuring effective data governance. In contrast, Lumen Fusion’s highly effective approach integrates technical CRM skills with business culture and advanced strategies, driving substantial growth and comprehensive business improvement. By understanding the key differences and strengths of each approach, organizations can choose the implementation strategy that best aligns with their business needs and goals, ensuring both efficiency and effectiveness in their CRM systems.

How to Solve Common CRM Management & Implementation Challenges: Best Practices

CRM Management & Implementation Challenges: Best Practices

In the world of CRM management, there’s a significant challenge that often goes unaddressed—a challenge that can undermine even the most well-planned CRM strategies. This challenge is not about technical skills, data management, user adoption, or organizational support. It’s about personality traits and organizational culture.