Zoho ZeptoMail

Zoho ZeptoMail

Transactional Email Service:

Guaranteed and instant delivery

Your transactional emails carry crucial information. ZeptoMail is a reliable and secure service that delivers these all-important emails instantly. With high-speed delivery and great inbox placement, ZeptoMail means you no longer keep your customers waiting.

Zoho ZeptoMail

Transactional emails are unique, automated emails that are triggered by user action on your application or website. It completes an agreed-upon transaction between you and your customer. Eg., order confirmation emails, email verification, OTP emails.

Marketing emails are bulk emails that relay the same information to multiple recipient with the intent of promotion of a service or product. Eg., newsletters, offer emails etc. In contrast, transactional emails contain personalized information are sent in response to user action.

For higher engagement, you can use a dedicated transactional email sending service like ZeptoMail, to send transactional emails. Once you’ve signed up to ZeptoMail, you can choose how to send transactional emails to your user — SMTP or Email APIs.

Email deliverability is a consequence of a sender’s IP reputation and sending marketing emails that are marked as spam can ruin this reputation. By using a dedicated transactional email service, you can build a good IP reputation and ensure speedy delivery of your transactional emails.

While a well-managed and shared IP address gives a higher chance of great deliverability, certain businesses with high email volume, may require a dedicated IP. You can contact us to learn more about which option serves your purpose better.


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