Lumen provides data science on steroids with AI innovator SparkBeyond

For some organisations, Business Intelligence is still a buzzword. SparkBeyond brings the promise of that future into the here and now.
SparkBeyond is data science on steroids.  A problem solving artificial intelligence engine that will transform your day to day operations.  Fortune 500 companies in over 20 industries have invested in this innovative platform
But do you know what you want to know? Turning business problems into a data science use case is not easy.

Given the speed with which opportunities and threats are emerging, the ability to find trends is vital. An AI-powered solution offers this level of dynamic trend detection that provides timely and actionable intelligence.
One such example we are all experiencing, is the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. SparkBeyond’s predictive software is helping the Italian and other governments to analyse Covid-19 spread.
SparkBeyond Heatmap
Heatmap of Tel Aviv (as of March 14, 2020) highlighting places at risk for COVID-19 infection, using data of known carriers
"The ability for a machine to ask the questions independently of a human being, and having the same cognitive function as a human analyst is utterly phenomenal"
Ed Janvrin
General Manager Americas & EMEA at SparkBeyond
Traditional BI cannot handle the pace of change, for example when modelling a virulent coranavirus. Prediction using data from the last two weeks is more effective than from the last two years.
SparkBeyond heatmaps use real-time data from many external sources which update on their own. The platform finds novel patterns buried in data, providing practical solutions better than a human analyst.
In Argentina, the SparkBeyond engine uses “blindfolded analytics”, to create models from sensitive data while maintaining personal privacy.
There are limits to the human mind, especially when modelling sophisticated data. But cognitive bias inherent to human thinking creates bottlenecks. The SparkBeyond next-generation AI platform connects the dots and discovers complex patterns. It does this by auto-augmenting data with external factors.
"As an official system integration partner, the SparkBeyond engine is our preferred AI platform for Australian and New Zealand enterprise clients."
Our principal consultant Ilan Gross
Ilan Gross
Principal Consultant

Focus on Business Impact

Setup a cross functional team, who will use SparKanvas to define problem statements. These are translated into metrics as we understand the core data required to formulate the target

Focus on Speed and Rigour

Multiple criteria will determine if the SparkBeyond platform is achieving your goals in speed, quality and creativity. Our aim is the provide a quality impact on the the data science process.

Focus on Capabilities

We help business users to leverage tools and skills to become analytics rock stars. With an online learning portal and training workshops, to get you up to speed on the technology and the methodology.

Deriving impact from SparkBeyond

Our approach will place your company on a path to success in just two months

In just a few hours, the SparkBeyond platform can be installed, and your team will have access to the rapid training program. 

Over the next two months, Lumen Business will be your implementation partner, making next-generation artificial intelligence the ‘new normal’ in your operations.

2 Days
SparkBeyond Logo
2 Days
Discover new insights and features

Understand what's changing from the data

2 weeks
SparkBeyond Logo
2 weeks
Fine tune existing mission critical models

Fix the predictions that your business relies on

2 months & beyond
SparkBeyond Logo
2 months & beyond
Re-evaluate existing models and build new use cases

Completely change the way data science is done

Produced by Crisp Film 

SparkBeyond Talent

Get started with a two week free evaluation, hosted by SparkBeyond including comprehensive remote training.

Schedule a free consultation today