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SEO training: Executive & Hands On – Part 1 of 3

We train people to become practically competent for SEO using two training paths – ‘Executive’ and ‘Hands-On’.

In our earlier post about the current state of SEO we outlined how changes in search engine algorithms have dramatically shifted the SEO goal posts.

If that post covered some of the ‘what?’ of SEO, this post will outline the ‘how?’.  More specifically, we will outline how we go about SEO training with our clients.

The Lumen SEO approach

The whole process is informed by our philosophy that SEO needs to be a process integrated across all of a company’s business activates.  This is reflected in the way our SEO service is strongly connected to our CRM, account management,  email marketing, marketing automation, and web development services.

We are unique in that we approach these as all parts of the same sales machine – each one having an interplay with the other. This synergy is what makes our SEO a revenue enhancing exercise.

Our approach is also shaped by our experience that it is often more practical and economical for businesses to have consultants act as a guide, as opposed to completely outsourcing all of the work.

We see the best results when we develop long term partnerships with business – helping them grow using a range of digital/software tools.  The result is a hybrid system when the client controls how much work is done by us and how much is done in-house.  Our aim is to help a business become independent in its operations by imparting knowledge. link to training

Two paths for SEO training

 The skills and knowledge needed to effectively deal with SEO differs depending on the role a person has in a company. That being said, we believe that because of the recent changes to our digital world it is important for everyone in a company to understand how SEO effects operations.

This is especially the case for management. SEO is no longer something that sits in the ‘nice-to-have” list. Solid SEO strategy is vital for a company to have successful digital operations, and managers and executives need to apply their skills to this effort.

We run two paths of training, both tailor made to suit the unique needs of executives and implementers.

An Operations manager or COO may need to know they ways SEO is relevant in a businesses wider sales strategy, but probably does not need to know the technical aspects of creating an effective blog post. On the other hand this may be a vital skill for a Marketing Assistant to know.

The first path is ‘Executive SEO’.  This is tailored to teach executives how to built, evaluate and execute good SEO strategy. It is to help executives to understand how to factor SEO into their decision making.  The Executive SEO lesson structure is usually is comprised of two three hour lessons.

The second path is ‘Hands-On SEO’.  This training path is for the people at the coal face – the implementers.  It is for the people creating content, (emails, blogs, webpages and newsletters)  – the ones who will have their fingers on the. The training are divided into four three hour sessions.

The next posts in our series ‘SEO training: Executive & Hands On’ we will outline the training for both paths.

If you are interested in finding out how your business can develop its website performance then contact us anytime for a free consultation.