Cultivating initiative with high performance sales teams and utilising Zoho CRM

Unlike any other software implementation, a CRM implementation can fail structurally if not done correctly. It can also fail to live up to expectations if not utilised properly. At Lumen, we spend countless hours thinking about how to rectify these failures for our customers.

One of the biggest questions we think people need to ask is what are the key indicators to determine whether a Zoho CRM implementation will be a success or failure.

You can have the best CRM strategies and implementation, with the best training, and your CRM may still not live up to expectations or promises. Why is this?

We have seen a number of instances where we know the CRM data we collected was correct, and the company training that it underwent was successful, and still they didn’t have the success they had hoped for.

After doing countless CRM implementations across a range of industries, key data has emerged for us and it finally clicked why this kind of CRM failure occurs.

That reason is that initiative isn’t taken by staff members

Once we understood that skilled staff members weren’t taking initiative, we decided to look into why this is, as this wasn’t a one time occurrence, but was sometimes a structural issue that can happen in CRM implementations.

It took much longer to figure out why skilled staff members don’t take initiative. Then we understood that it was an organisational cultural issue that structurally blocked all initiative shown by the staff.

Complex issues require cross-organisational commitment and require cascading changes and approaches to solve. Not just technical but cultural as well. We have learned to configure Zoho CRM in a way that allows, and supports, companies and management to enable them to overcome the issue of initiative within their business.

If this applies to you and you want to learn how to develop a high performance sales team that shows initiative, please talk to us.

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We work with businesses of all sizes to solves a wide range of problems.  If you are wondering how we can help you use technology to help your business perform better, please get in touch with us.

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17 Cockburn Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021, New Zealand

If this applies to you and you want to learn how to develop a high performance sales team that shows initiative, please talk to us.

If this applies to you and you want to learn how to develop a high performance sales team that shows initiative, please talk to us.

If this applies to you and you want to learn how to develop a high performance sales team that shows initiative, please talk to us.